[Health]TIPS ON STRESS MANAGEMENT - 9jawellness

Stress is how or the manner your body responds to stressors which can be internal or external. A stressor is any factor that influences stress on an organism. Stress is a common medical condition in the body, everybody undergoes stress whether from work, daily activity, school, marriage, parenting, career building, etc. But what makes stress negative is when it persists for a long time. Is important for you to know about stress and how to manage stress, to understand how your body system work under pressure and responds to changes in the environment and situations.
 Regardless of, gender, religion, ethnicity, and even social status, stress demonstrates a widespread prevalence of about 77 percent of people experiencing stress that affects their health, and 48 percent of people suffer insomnia because of stress globally. Although there is no comprehensive documentation of stress statistics in Nigeria it's impossible not to be highly stressed when surrounded by overwhelming problems ranging from economic, security, poor administration, and dilapidations. Most people turn to negative habits as a result of stress example smoking, alcoholism, hostility, etc.
Eustress; is fun and exciting stress which keeps you energized and it's usually associated with the adrenaline surge. 
Distress: this type of short-term cause be a sorrowful event. 
Acute stress; is a short-term stress condition it can be positive and experienced in our daily life
Chronic stress; is a prolonged stress condition that seems unending. Can be caused by a traumatic event, childhood abuse failed marriage, etc.
The following are key tips or signs to know when you're stressed 
Change in mood 
Low libido 
Frequent sickness 
Racing heartbeat,
Change in the menstrual cycle
Poor self-care 
Since stress is inevitable, the knowledge of its management is paramount. Here are some ways to relieve or manage stress; 
Exercise; exercise has a way of taking your mind off worries and releasing stress relief hormones that refresh your body system.
Focus on your positive achievements; don't focus on failed attempts it could over time lead to chronic stress. 
Talk to someone; talking to someone about a problem goes a long way to reduce the tension of the problem, rather than locking it up inside remember "a problem shared is half solved".
Take a break/ vacation; breaks are important in life. Working run the clock with breaks or sleep can be detrimental to your health. 
See a loved one; seeing a loved one releases happiness hormone that reduces stress 
Visit a therapist; meet a professional 

Remember,  your health is your wealth!

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